Better Business Bureau (BBB)
BBB maintains Business Reviews on more than 4.5 million businesses and rates them based on complaint histories, responsiveness to customers, licensing, legal and government action, and other factors. Only Accredited Businesses that meet the BBB Code of Business Practices are permitted to display the BBB logo in their marketing and place of business.
Plumbing, Heating, and Cooling Contractors Association (PHCC)
PHCC is the oldest trade association in the construction industry and the premiere organization for the p-h-c professional. As a member of the PHCC, we're part of the largest membership association in our field. The attendant networking opportunities and educational resources means we're always up to date on the latest plumbing techniques.
Quality Service Contractors (QSC)
Quality Service Contractors is a professional network exclusively for members of the PHCC. QSC provides specialized business management resources, services and training for plumbing and HVACR service and repair contractors.
Greater Macon Chamber of Commerce
The Greater Macon Chamber of Commerce is committed to advancing the positive growth and development of the Macon Region. The Chamber strives to support all activities believed to be beneficial to the community, and in general seeks to enhance the standard of living for Macon area citizens, looking to accomplish the greatest good for the greatest number.
- GA Plumbing License: MP208440
- GA Conditioned Air License: CN209719
- GA Boiler License: BQ-1914